Concept Photos
Some visual styles and thematic influences

The adoring masses



A welcoming, yet imposing, greeting

Mounir in Koreatown

Anti-Saddam sentiment

American idols

1960s beauty, Anna Karina

The New Wave

Taxi Driver


The First Gulf War, 1990: Kuwait ablaze


Stranger Than Paradise

Airport arrival: a foreigner in a new place, Stranger Than Paradise

An all-American strip mall: where everything happens

Kevin Smith's Quick Stop from Clerks


Peter Sellers in Hal Ashby's Being There

Fish-out-of-water as social outcast

The white bronco: OJ on the run

A hazy Los Angeles sunset

Circa 1990

In 1990, before the First Gulf War, a sheltered Saddam Hussein body-double loses his job and moves to Los Angeles in search of a new start.
Dark Comedy
Al No'mani, Scoot McNairy, Rudy Ramos,
Amanda Fuller, Tim Kang & Cameron Bender
written & directed by Patrick Epino
produced by Cindy Fang, Rain Breaw & Patrick Epino
cinematography by Christopher Chomyn
picture edited by Luke Pebler
sound edited by Kevin Thompson
score by Austin Wintory